WFPICCS 2024 Cancun Center, Cancún

Dear Colleagues and Friends in Paediatric Critical Care,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Cancun, Mexico from 1-5 June 2024, for the 12th World Congress of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies (WFPICCS). This is the first in-person WFPICCS event since the onset of the devastating Covid19 global pandemic, and I am so excited to meet with colleagues and friends face to face once more.

The outstanding interdisciplinary local and international scientific committees are currently hard at work to ensure that WFPICCS 2024 will deliver a high quality scientific programme, sharing the latest developments in paediatric intensive and critical care across the spectrum from basic science to the bedside and beyond to global health challenges and opportunities. This program will be tailored to the entire interprofessional pediatric intensive and critical care community of physicians, nurses, scientists and allied health professionals, providing a platform to advance professional knowledge, enhance skills, share experience and network with colleagues and friends from around the world.

In addition to the stimulating educational and scientific offerings, we can also look forward to an exciting social program, which will give us time to enjoy each other’s company, relax and experience a taste of Cancun’s rich heritage.

WFPICCS 2024 is well aligned with the mission and vision of WFPICCS. Together we aim towards improving paediatric critical care services across the globe, so that every child has the best chance of survival and quality of life following critical illness or injury.

WFPICCS President
Prof. Brenda Morrow


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

01 Jun - 05 Jun 2024, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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Ticket Pricing:
General Admission: USD 200.00

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